Twas the day before CLAY and all through the house, not a Home Team Leader was stirring.... not even their spouse. Wednesday started with a 9:30 a.m. NPC meeting to go over the day's schedule and to confirm our assignments over the next four days. As much as schedules are vital we know that all NPC'ers must be ready to pitch in wherever and whenever we are needed. Besides being fashion trendsetters the NPC team must have good footwear because come tomorrow we will put in our first 18 hour day and the dogs will be barking for relief.
As a group we walked through all venues in the Convention Centre and Hilton London that will soon welcome youth and Home Team Leaders galore. Karen Triomphe will lead Home Team leader meetings in the LCC theatre. Karen has extensive experience as a member of the NPC and PCYM, as in Program Committee for Youth Ministry. Karen`s role is to provide information and answer questions from Home Team Leaders. HTL`s in turn spread the word to youth through the ever effective trickle-down effect.
The vision of Jordan Smith and his team was evident in the Large Group Gathering space. The music, drama, keynote presentations and special remarks by Bishops will leave an indelible mark on all those in attendance. The contracted technical crew and LCC in-house staff were busy running wiring, rigging, positioning lighting-sound equipment-giant projection screens and staging. To divulge anymore would violate my signed confidentiality agreement and make me a shoo-in for the RCMP Witness Protection Program. Leading a nomadic life with a new identity in a different province isn't for me.
The biggest NPC task of all may fall to Kristel Mann, the CLAY 2010 Registrar. Kristel resides in Winnipeg and has earned the respect of all on the NPC for her dedication and organizational skills. It was Kristel who received every Home Team registration package and painstakingly entered all pertinent information to ensure accuracy. Kristel had to connect with Home Teams if some registration information was not sent in or incorrectly filled out. Kristel will be front and center when Home Teams register and pick up their swag on Thursday. Thanks Kristel for the many hours you put in over the last two years as Registrar. Kristel is quick to point out she learned and had help from the best... her Mom, a former Registrar at CLYG. A hard work ethic is hereditary... like mother, like daughter.
The NPC gathering office was a beehive of activity all afternoon and into the evening as final preparations were being made to primp the registration area. Youth and Home Team Leaders will soon arrive with a host of questions, most of which can be answered in the Gathering Book that gets handed out in the bag of swag. It will become your new best friend until Sunday.
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