Thursday, August 5, 2010

Old Writers Never Die...Their Cartridge Just Runs Out of Ink

I wrote a humor column in the Star Phoenix from 1990 to 2003. At the time I was working full-time as a plumber, doing daily live calls to Denny Carr as Barney from the Bowling Alley at 7:50 a.m. Monday to Friday and performing as an after-dinner speaker throughout Saskatchewan. I never new what I was getting myself into when Bill Peterson and Steve Gibb invited me for lunch and asked me to write for the paper. Never in my mildest dreams did I think it would last 13 years. It was a vastly different way to be funny than the anonymity of radio and the instant response of after-dinner entertaining.
Once a weekly deadline to submit a 600 word column became embedded into my hard drive it was a tough habit to kick. That is the impetus for Darrell Utley Unplugged...a return to writing, my 9th love. Thank you to eldest sire Mark for getting my blog up and running. The rest is up to me.
On August 15 I fly to London, Ontario for the Canadian Lutheran Anglican Youth Gathering. I have been part of a 16 person National Planning Committee since April 2008 planning the event.
Tune into nightly blogs from London starting Sunday, August 15th.
Keep your dial on


  1. Darrell
    Looking forward to following your ramblings

  2. I have bookmarked your site, Darrell. . . I'm really excited that you are doing this!


  3. Happy to see you are writing again Darrell!
